Thursday, July 26, 2012

I think I saw the Olympic Torch go by?

Okay, so I'll be honest today was fairly boring. I spent a couple of hours at the British Museum. It's not my favourite - only because I only have a smattering of interest in the Ancient World. I always was more of an 18th C girl. A few ancient roman goddesses and a mummy and that was it for me.

Then, off to Bond Street to do a little bit of expensive gift buying. Not telling who for, but chances wasn't for you haha....

 I realise now it is useless to dissemble in regards to my shopping habits. The fact of the matter is I bought another pair of shoes despite my constant whinging about having no luggage space. I am a drama queen with a very small shopping problem. I probably shouldn't have bought them - they've got velcro straps on them for fuck sake - but they just seemed so badass and spaceboot like I just had to have them. Plus, they were only about $30 AUD, so I can probably look forward to wearing them for a whole two days before they fall apart.

Anyway, I was coming out of the store on Oxford st, when something a little bit exciting (I guess) happened.

I have very little interest in the Olympics in general. I didn't even consider it when I was planning my trip to London and when I realised I would be here for the festivities, it only garnered consideration in relation to how much inconvenience it would cause me.

I stopped on the stairs just short of street level, perplexed as I was by the sudden swarm of people who had appeared. Now Oxford St is crowded at the worst of times - the sheer number of people filled me with utter dread that something terrible had just happened.

Of course when I saw everyone with their phones out, frantically taking pictures, I craned my neck and saw to be sure - the back end of the torch relay. So I had seen the torch go past for a second time entirely by accident.

The first time was the other day, I was going into the Tube  and I only now realise that in fact I did see the torch then as well. There was very little fanfare and I didn't recognise the torchbearer so I thought it was some publicity/advertising jag. Now I think about it, I highly doubt the Olympic er...committee(?) would allow such a thing.

Anyway, I thought nothing of it and tried to get on a train at Marble Arch only to find that the City of London thought it would be hilarious to close off that tube station because of the torch relay, therefore sending everyone to the next station Bond Street - resulting in a bottle neck effect. I mean really, doesn't it make sense to spread everyone the fuck out? Anyway, it only really added about 10 more minutes to an already short journey home.

See, told you today was boring...

1 comment:

  1. Well I found it exciting that you saw the torch go by and not just once but twice! I'll be watching the opening ceremony :)


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